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您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > 美國MAC|MAC電磁閥 > -美國MAC導(dǎo)式三通閥225B-121CAAA

流量范圍 4W:82NL/min, 1.8W:55NL/min
電壓范圍 正常電壓的-15%到+10%
功耗 1W-4W-60W-230W
反應(yīng)時間 通電: 0.5ms 斷電: 0.2ms
潤滑要求,過濾要求 不需要潤滑,40u




Class I is NEMA 7; Class II is NEMA 9).
Flow (at 6 bar, ΔP=1bar) :
Compressed air, vacuum, inert gases
Vacuum to 150 PSI
Not required, if used select a medium aniline
point lubricant (between 180°F to 210°F)
0°F to 120°F (-18°C to 50°C)
1/8" - 1/4" : (0.18-Cv)


The patented MACSOLENOID? with its non-burn out feature on AC service.
? Seven valve functions in one valve.
? Balanced spool unaffected by back pressure in the exhaust.
? A large checked accumulator which supplies the
pilot and air/spring return for consistent shifting.
? A triple rated coil for 120/60, 110/50 or 24 VDC (6 Watt).
? Use on lube or non-lube service.
? Various types of manual operators and solenoid enclosures.
? Optional low wattage DC coils down to 1 watt.
? Optional explosion proof models designed to meet UL
& CSA standards for Class I, Groups B, C, D and
Class II, Groups E, F and G. (NEMA equivalent of


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產(chǎn)品中心 Products

滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005369號

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